Travel: The Journey Continues



Available on Amazon and Createspace!

Travel Continued - cover-cropI am so stoked that my latest book of poetry, Travel: The Journey Continues, will be released June 30, 2015! It has taken me several years to compile some of my deepest emotions in words. It can be exhausting. That’s why it took me so long to complete Volume 2 of the Travel series.

I do appreciate each of my readers’ support. It is such a humbling experience.

Through these pages, journey time and space with me as I share my most intimate thoughts.

Take a journey through a lifetime of essays . . . a lifetime of poems . . . a lifetime of short stories.

Feel the love. Feel the joy. Feel the pain.

My life is voiced through each character written on each page. I hope my writings encourage you to feel, laugh, and love. Most of all, I hope they inspire you to live the life you desire and deserve.

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