As a writer, I get in ‘The Zone’. What is ‘The Zone’? Well, I go the mental and spiritual place where my writing creativity is in full swing. I put on my Pandora nature music channel or windows to listen to nature outside my patio doors, open my blinds to let the sunshine in, turn off my phone(s), and start writing.
While in ‘The Zone’, I have been able to write more than ten articles, several poems as well as draft for future books. At the end of the day, I’m more fulfilled than ever and ask myself, “What takes me so long to return to ‘The Zone'”? I soon realize I allow life’s busyness to curtail my writing creativity. So, I’m posting a ‘The Zone’ reminder on my refrigerator and bathroom mirror to ensure I return to ‘The Zone’ regularly.
As a writer, do you experience ‘The Zone’? If so, what do you do during your visit to ‘The Zone’? If you have never considered ‘The Zone’, what are you waiting for? You have beautiful stories waiting to be told!
~ Clarissa “Queen of the Pen” Burton