Making My Corner of the World More Positive


I recently moved into a beautiful, culturally diverse Chicago community.  When I take my daily walks, I pay particular attention to how people interact with each other. Many are families with young children and teens; but a lot are older citizens who are in the prime of their lives.  Of all the negative news over the past few years, especially in Chicago, many may have lost faith in humanity.  For those, I ask that you step outside your living quarters, take a stroll throughout your community, and engage your fellow citizens.

Because of all the negative news, many are afraid to engage.  Do not allow yourself to be held hostage by negativity.  I am not suggesting we bury our heads in the sand and ignore the dangers in this world.  However, I do encourage you to have faith in the fact that if each of us take a few moments each day to make our corners of the world more positive, what a major change we will impose upon our universe.  The peaceful feeling of the return of a kind gesture or smile is magic.

Therefore, I challenge you to step outside your comfort zones.  Take the chance of having someone return a smile or a kind word.  Sacrifice your fear and accept the fact that everyone has a divine purpose in the universe, and that every soul is accounted for.  In the meantime, I will continue making my corner of the world more positive.

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