Kimberly Jessy is OBSESSED with Me – Intro


For more than two years, I have been subject to the horrible experience of cyber-stalking and harassment. During this harrowing time, I have done my best to stay positive and move on with accomplishing many wonderful things. However, I must confess that I have struggled greatly to contain my fears and distress. I have shared my concerns with a few close family members and friends.

I recently wrote an article, Cyber-Stalkers Beware: 5 things victims must do when being cyber-stalked. This article provides critical steps on how to report a cyber-stalker, or a much better moniker, cyber-terrorist. The most terrorizing thought is there is someone out there who would rejoice at the news of my violent death. Why? Because I chose to stop using her services and retract a false story, I had written as well as reported on during one of my radio shows.

For the next five weeks, I will share my troubling story how Kimberly Jessy has terrorized me via email, texts, video, her websites as well as other websites. During my exposés, I will share with you some disturbing content. Therefore, this series is for adult eyes only.

Here is one example of what I recently received from Kimberly Jessy who opened up a Google email account under the username

Kimberly Jessy is Obsessed email954x508

This is just one of many emails Kimberly Jessy has sent to me. In my next exposé, I will share how I first met Kimberly Jessy. It is a day I will forever regret; and I have very few regrets.

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