Divorcing the Mainstream Media


Divorcing the Mainstream Media

In 2010, I made this graphic because I realized the mainstream media had been lying to the world. They manufactured Obama. They pitted Americans against each other (Dems vs Repubs). I witnessed firsthand the deception when I worked for an DC not-for-profit located in Alexandria, VA. The day I was ‘Red Pilled’ was when I was having lunch with a few colleagues in the cafeteria on the Hill. I saw the same politicians who were at each other’s throats on C-Span being buddy buddy, inviting each other to their kids’ birthday parties or for a friendly golf game. That was my ‘kick in the stomach’ moment. I, WE THE PEOPLE, had been duped. 

From that moment in 2010 I stopped watching mainstream media and began my quest for alternative news sources. I knew there had to be someone out there who would tell WE THE PEOPLE the truth. It took a while, a few years, but I found @dbongino, @charliekirk11, @RealCandaceO, @bennyjohnson, @RealAmVoice, @elonmusk, the late @RealRushLimbaug, just to name a few.  As a researcher, I triangulated all information these new info resources provided and confirmed they were honest and loved our country. These ‘new’ news sources demanded WE THE PEOPLE do our own research and to not blindly trust their information. They sincerely cared for my (our) well being.

There’s no going back to the lamestream propaganda machine. IT IS DEAD!  The mainstream media told me (us) to not believe my own eyes. They insulted my (our) intelligence. They insulted my allegiance to the country I, my husband, my sister, my niece, my late father, and my late uncle honorably served. They STOLE my hard earned tax money I have paid for over 40 years! They had tried diligently to deny my children and grandchildren their rightful protections under the Constitution by prioritizing illegals. They attempted to destroy the traditional family structure. They enjoy murdering babies and mutilating our confused youth! 

Unless they individually repent publicly, there is NO coming back from those sins because the Uniparty HATES any and everything our Republic represents.

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